Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back in Canada

And I'm home. WOW! I can't believe that I am home. 7 weeks went by incredibly fast. When I was on the plane flying home, it honestly felt like I was only gone a week, not 7. It blows my mind when I start to think of all that went on in the past weeks -- it's hard to fully comprehend.

I definitly learned SO much in Africa, and it changed my life, for the better. I feel like I know God more and love Him more now, then I did when I left, which is what I wanted to be able to say. God revealed Himself to me in ways that I needed Him too, and showed me many things about who He created me to be. He ignited a passion and desire to serve Him, and as I adjust to Canadain culture again, I'm praying that I don't lose that passion and desire.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to sincerly thank each one of you for all your support for this trip. God uses each one of us to reach the lost, and I love how He puts people together on a team, to accomplish this. Thanks for your prayers, which were heard. There were many times when I knew God was working through your prayers. I feel blessed to have such a great support team behind me, I love you all so much. I pray that God would continue to use you, to help reach the world with the love of Christ. So many have not yet heard --

As I continue to process and think through all that has happened, I will post stories here. So please keep checking --

God always amazes me, and going back to Africa was no different. To witness God's greatness, faithfulness, love, mercy and grace first hand always puts me in a place where I stand in awe. And it's with this awe-ness(if thats not a word, I feel like it should be!) that I desire to live me life; to always be amazed by Him.

It's still my goal to continue living out Hebrews 12:1-2, throwing off all that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and focusing my eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone. To run the race with eyes only for Him. To keep the finsih line in sight, and run hard with no looking back.

May God bless you and use you for His glory!

Monday, June 11, 2007

leaving on a jet plane

Tomorrow is the big day of leaving Africa and I am feeling such a big array of emotions right now! It breaks my heart to leave this place. I really do love Africa and I love the people here and I am going to miss the people so much.
In just a few short hours I will be getting on the plane and flying to England. Left with time to process all that God has done in the past 6 weeks....which is so much! God has done so much and I don't even know where to begin to process what He has taught me. We have spent the last few days doing debrief with the students and helping them to start processing everything and it has been a great few days. I love the students on this team, and their love and passion for God and to serve Him, so any time that I can spend time with them is good times!
But it's really late and I do need to get some sleep so I can function tomorrow...but I will be home so soon....Wednesday afternoon to be exact, and that scares me. It's hard for me to believe that I have been gone for almost 7 weeks...time has gone by so quickly and it scares me to re-enter Canada and the culture. Canada and Africa are so completely different, and I'm not sure how will fit back in. I know that last year it was a tough transition for me, so I do ask for your prayers that as I come back to Canada, that I would stay focused on God and not forget all that He taught me. And that I would not be judgemental of the culture and the people, but just keep putting God first.
There are so many stories that I want to share, so I am looking forward to being able to process and relay those stories to you!
So, for many of you, see you in just a couple will be nice to see all your smiling faces!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hello from Zanzibar - home in one week!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I'm sure that you all understand!
THings are going great here in Africa...I am now in Zanzibar, on the Adventure Cylce of the project, showing the Jesus Film with the rest of the staff team and it's been so much fun! Zanzibar is a predominantly Muslim island (97%), so I have loved being able to share the love of God with the people here. It truely is an amazing island and I praise God for the creation of His people and this landscape. It makes me stand in awe, thats for sure! We are showing the film one last time tonight and then heading back to Dar on Friday. From there we will do a few days of debrief, and then jump on the plane for Canada. So in a week today, I will be back in Canada, which is hard to believe! I can't believe that 6 weeks is gone by already and that Canada is fast's almost kind of scary to go back home!
God has been doing great things in Africa, so be excited about what God is doing around the world. The thing that makes me the most exicted, I think, is that fact that every night this week, in 8 locations around Tanzania, the Jesus Film is being shown. Hundreds and hundreds of people are hearing the Gospel each night....Tanzania could be changed through this! Isn't that exciting?!! So be in prayer that through this film, God would change lives and change Africa!
I hope that this is able to post, because I want to let you all know that I am good, and even more so, GOD IS GOOD!
And please, leave encourages me! :)

Monday, May 28, 2007

Back in Dar Es Salaam

We arrived back in Dar safely last night (may 27) It was an uneventful plane ride, but a really really hard goodbye to say. It was really tough to leave Malawi and to say goodbye to the wonderful people there, who have touched my life and become such great friends to me. I really haven't processed much of the three weeks that just went by, and all that God did. But I do know that many lives were changed and many were added to the kingdom, which means a huge party in heaven! And that's exciting!
We had a great last day with the malawian students, where we climbed a mountain together and then had a time of training on the top of the mountain. It was a killer climb, it took a while but it was alot of fun! Zomba is beauitful and the view from the mountain clearly showed that! And I loved being able to spend the whole day with life ministries. Once we were up the mountain we had lunch and one time, I looked at everyone and it looked like a family reunion/picnic and I loved that! We all did become like family, so it was a wonderful, wonderful day, and one that I will treasure! God is going to use the students at Chanco to change Africa and the world.
We also had a great last night of team time together where we spent hours encouraging one another and telling eachother why we love eachother. It was really encouraing and great bonding time. And the guys on our team blessed the girls, by making us chocolate fondue....we were blessed and happy! So it was a great night and I even today, not being with the students, is really tough. It was like a family! So thanks God for that!
we leave tomorrow for R&R, which the students and staff alike both really need. So pray for a great time of refreshing for everyone. and then we head off, Friday morning for Jesus Film. I am going to Zanzibar with the rest of the staff team, so I am really looking forward to that. I love the Jesus Film part of being here, because it exposes so many people to the gospel. So please pray for safety, as the students head out to all different parts of Tanzania to preach the gospel to the lost. Pray that God would change lives and people would come to have a personal relationship with Him.
God is just really showing me again and again, what I am here for. To live a life that is worthy of Him, and that in all I do, it reflects His character and draws people to Him. I want to be able to see everyone in I love sharing the Gospel and the assurance of salvation with people -- to fulfill the Great Commission. But sometimes it amazes me how bold I can be here in africa and how shy I can be at home in Canada, with family, friends -- all people that need to hear and know about Jesus. So pray that I would come home with the same boldness and passion.
Today the students have the day off, and are off wondering the city of Dar, so it should be an exhausting and fun day for them! I am spending the day with my friend Melissa and we are having a relaxing day. Just spending time at her house (she's been her for the past 8 months) and just having some good quality time together. It's a good day! I am being shocked though at the influence of North America in Africa and it makes me sad that perhaps Africa is losing it's traditional ways to follow the Western world, and really, we aren't good examples to follow in some of our ways.
Pray for my friend Tim who flys home tomorrow, because he has other staff training. God truely blessed the malawi team with great staff and we all got along so well. That is one of my highlights of the trip, just being around such influential leaders who really helped me grow. God is good!
A verse that has become our theme while in malawi -- 1 Cor. 15:58 -- read it and let it sink in and live for the Lord!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hi Everyone! Only 3 more full days left in Malawi…I can’t believe how incredibly fast the time has gone by. I don’t feel like it should be time to get back on the plane and head back to Tanzania. I am really feeling sad about leaving. Last year when I left, I knew that there was a chance that I could come back and see my friends again, but this year, there isn’t a good chance that I will come back for a while, so it makes me really sad to leave, because I really really care for these people and I have loved spending time with them. So please pray for that, that I won’t be over emotional when I leave. Ah, I am really going to miss my friends! It has been a fabulous three weeks, hanging out with them and doing ministry alongside them.
We taught some of our African friends line dancing for our cultural night outreach on Friday – they are surprisingly good at line dancing. We are telling them that they are practically Canadian! It should be a great night and a great last night together with them!
We fly out of Malawi on Sunday afternoon, heading back to Dar. Then we have one day in Dar before leaving for R&R, where we will be going on Safari, which also really excites me! I love God’s creation of animals…like giraffes! My favorite animal of all time! It will be a good time of refreshing before we head off for Jesus Film. There is a chance that I will be going to Zanzibar for Jesus Film, which will be really awesome! Zanzibar is a highly Muslim country, so it will tough soil, but much needed to share the gospel. So please also be in prayer as we, the staff, choose the teams for the students to go on, and pray for the safety of the students as they travel to different towns in Tanzania! This is an exciting adventure for the students.
The team this year is great! We all get along so well together and we have a great time together, no matter what we are doing! Whether it’s killing bugs or singing, there is always laughter and lots of it! And the rest of the staff that I am working with are great! Tim, Jill, Peter and Melissa – they are fabulous! We work really well together as a team, and are able to lead together and be unified! I am so thankful for each of them, for they have stretched me and have made this trip great!
We had an all night prayer last night and it was so good to keep our focus. We all prayed for 45 min during the night and it was good for me to get up in the middle of the night and sacrifice my sleep. And it was so refreshing to spend time with God and get my focus.
God is teaching me so much this year and I am so thankful and glad that I am here in Africa. There is no where else that I would rather be! I am also gaining a deep love for the Word and really desire to read and understand it more and more, which is a good thing!
So I am not sure when I will be able to update next, because I am not sure when I will have access to a computer. So there might be a dry spell of updates, but keep checking! Continue to be in prayer and know that God is moving in evident and HUGE ways in Malawi – on Saturday night at another outreach, Chanco’s party boy gave his life to the Lord --- GOD IS MOVING!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I love Africa!

Hey Everyone!
Just a quick update for ya'll, because the computers here are a little wonky! But I just wanted to let you all know that things are great! I am having a great time and God is really changing me and molding me and refining me, which has been hard at times but a blessing too! I am thankful!
Yesterday we held two outreaches...the boys did a soccer outreach and the girls did a ladies outreach talking about purity...both physical and emotional purity and it was fabulous. we had around 100 girls come out, which is great, it's such an important topic and one that is avoided alot here in africa, so it was great to be honest with the African students about our own struggles with purity, and get them to open up about their struggles. God really used that night and it made me so proud of the girls on my time. They really put their heart into this outreach and God rewarded them for that! It was a great time! When I have more time I will update on it more, because there is so much to say about it!
I have really really loved having Laura on my team...being able to spend time with her in ministry has been such a blessing. She is a great woman of God, and it has been great to see God use her in great ways here in for all of those NOrwoodians reading this, we are both doing great and are in great health and having a great time!
We leave Malawi on Sunday, only one more week to go, which is crazy! The time has flown by! but it has been fabulous. Everytime I see my friends that I met last year, and huge smile appears on my face...I really love these people and it's going to be really hard to leave them this year, because I really don't know when I will be back again! But they are graet!
Please continue to pray for us, that in this last week, we would keep focused and get our strength from the Lord because we can not do this on our own. Thats for sure! but God is truly using this team of Canadians to help reach Africa and to help Africans reach Africa to reach the world! I love Him! :)
I hope that things are going great with everyone, wherever God has you! Know that I miss you all so much and not being able to communicate effectively has been really really tough for me this year. I really do wish that I could talk to you and email you more often, so know that you are all thought of often and missed all the time!
This week our focus is on building disicpleship groups which is a tough job here at Chanco, so please be in prayer that God would orchestrate that perfectly! This week, the interns are taking charge and have been given full leadership for mon-wed which both scares me and excites me! I have alot of responsibilty, but am looking forward to the challenge of stepping up in leadership. this entire trip has really stretched me and taught me so much about leadership, which has been amazing!
I really wish that I could email you all individually, because I have so much to say to you all...but that might have to wait til I return to Canada!
As always, I feel overwhelmed by what I want to tell you and relay to you, but I guess just trust me that thigns are going great and that God is at work in malawi!
Brooke the girl on the team who was sick is doing much better, thanks for praying! She got some meds and took a fun trip the hospital, but is now back on cmapus with us! Praise the Lord!
Ok, enough rambling, time to head back to our lodge and get some good rest on the great Sabbath day!
Much love to you all....MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mwuli Bwangi!
Things are great here in Malawi and it’s been a wonderful week since last updating you! God is so great and faithful to His children and has proven that over and over to our team! God has provided us with a great place to live, health of the team (we had our first sickness this week, but nothing serious, but be praying for Brooke, and also, on the other teams, there are several sick people, so pray for their health!) God is moving on campus and really changing lives. This week,our focus is build.We are wanting to build into leaders on this campus and disciple them and build into them. So we are praying that for each student here, they will find one leader to build into. So be in prayer for that! And we are having a great time sharing the Spirit Filled Life with the students. We really wanted to emphasize helping Christian grow in their walk, so we wanted to share the Holy Spirit with a lot of Christians, and we have, and God has been moving, so it’s been great!
Can I just say, that when I get a chance to write an update, I feel that my mind goes blank! And then I know that once I get off the computer, I will remember several things that I wanted to write to all of you! But, just know, that we are all doing great and that God is using each student here for His purpose and it’s been such a stretching time.
And to see the passion of some of the students that I met last year has been wonderful. Several of them want to join staff or do an intern with Life Ministries, which is really exciting!
Ah, I really do miss you all back home and really do wish that each of you could be here with me! This is more of a shorter update, but others still need to use the computer. Continue to be in prayer that as we end our time here in Malawi, we would continue to minister in God’s strength and be filled with His spirit, that through us, He would call students to Him! I really want to be His hands and feet, so please pray for that!
I want to come home, once again changed, and I know that God is already changing me. My verse for this trip, was Hebrews 12: 1-2. :Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us through off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,the author and perfector of our faith who for the joy set before him enduring the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
It’s my desire that I would throw off all that hinders me and completely focus on the Lord.I desire to live for Him and lately there have been things in my life that changed that I didn’t like, but I know that God is in control, and what sweet peace that brings!
Blessings and love to all!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello from Malawi-the warm heart of Africa

We arrived safelyHello from Malawi – the Warm Heart of Africa!

Sorry for the long delay in updates…power outages are very common and lack of internet is also common~ But things are great and everyone is healthy!
We arrived safely in Malawi in Monday morning, and I am so happy to be back! I just felt so much peace and less stress , when we got to Malawi. Tanzania, specifically Dar Es Salaam, has a more high paced, stressful atmosphere, which I don’t really enjoy all that much! There are many more people there as well, so I was thankful to come here where the atmosphere is way more laid back and definitely not as crowded! And the weather – I’m so thankful to not be sweating buckets everyday now! Dar Es Salaam was scorching hot, but here in Malawi, the weather is beautiful! I am sporting some lobster-esque skin at the moment as a result of loving the sun!

It was been absolutely wonderful to see people from last year. After meeting them last year, I wondered if I would ever see them again. So to have the opportunity to once again be here and see them, and serve alongside them, is amazing and something that I am so grateful for! The look of surprise and happiness on their face when they see me, makes me realize why I am here. Many of them have said to me “I thought that I would never see you again, but it makes me glad that you have come back.’ That alone, solidifies why I am back – for the students. It’s to serve them and encourage them. To see people like Gerald and vitu, and Danny, gills, Ginford, Patrick, William – everyone, it’s amazing! Yesterday I got to spend time with my friend Aisha, which was amazing. She is the Muslim friend that I met last year and spend a lot of time with. It was great to see her again and I am excited to spend more time with her over the next two weeks!
Everyone misses the team from last year a lot! They have been asking about all of you and where you are, and why you aren’t back in Malawi this summer! So know that you are missed and thought of often by the Malawi students that you spend time with last summer.
Tim – I had to reveal to the team the secret of the amazing banana muffins and they are all in love with them now too! I have sent your greetings and love to everyone here, and they miss you a lot! They keep asking about you, so you are not forgotten, but often thought of and prayed for!
I also have come to see the fruits of our labour last year. I never really realized that affect that we had on the campus when we were here. But returning to Malawi has given me the opportunity to see the impact that the Canadian team made last summer. Your labour in the Lord was not in vain. The students are still talking about last summer and the Canadians that came. They are pulling out the Knowing God personally Booklets that we gave them, and asking for a new one, because their other one is falling apart from reading it. I wish that each person from the team last year could return and see the impact that they had on this campus. It made me realize why I came back. It gave me purpose and focus for this trip and encouraged me to keep going this summer, because God is using the Canadians in great ways. And I thank all my supporters from last year and this year, because it is through you that God changed lives here at Chancellor College.
The team this year is great! They are getting along wonderfully which is really great! They all have unique gifts that make this time great and really unifies them. I do miss the team from last year a lot, though. And I am trying really hard to not let memories from last year take over my mind. So often I will see something or hear something or talk to someone that triggers my mind to think of last year. Last year we had an amazing team and time – we were a family. So it is kind of strange to be back without them!
We have had a great first week so far! We had hit the campus hard, sharing our faith and God has been our strength, We have seen people come to faith, asking Jesus to be their Saviour, which is amazing! Praise the Lord!! I have been finding it a struggle this year on campus. The majority of the students on campus define themselves as Christians, but a lot of them do not have a full understanding of what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, they are Christians, because they attend church on Sunday’s. But another struggle has been, that there are several clubs on campus that the students are a part of. So it’s really hard to get a movement going when students are already plugged into another club. And that is not our goal to create competition between the Christian clubs or to make the students switch clubs. We just desire to see students excited about their faith, understanding their faith and being active in their faith. And I have found that is a struggle this year, so far. So please pray that God would give us direction and understanding and discernment in knowing what to do and that God would stir the hearts of the African students to not be apathetic, but to be active in living out their faith.
I have also found it really hard to find my “place” this year. As an intern, I am not a student, but not quite a staff, so sometimes I feel lost in knowing what my role is. Throughout this week, God has been teaching me that disicipiling the Canadian girls is where I need to be focusing. And that excites me, to be able to build into the Canadian girls. But that has been hard for me – because that means that I am spending less time in the hostels sharing the gospel with girls. But, by discipling the Canadian girls, I am equipping them to share their faith. So I am excited for how God is going to use me, but at the same time, still a little confused! God has definitely been using the time here in Africa so far, to really teach me a lot – about Him and about myself. It has been such a personal growth time for me so far. And Jill (project director) has really been challenging me in my faith and challenging me to take steps of faith and step up in leadership. So I am so thankful for her guidance on this trip. So please pray for that – that I would be in God’s will and listening to His voice, and that I would have wisdom in leading the Canadian girls.
My friend Melissa is here in Malawi with me, and that has been such a blessing. She has spent the last year in Dar Es Salaam on Stint, working at the University. I am so glad that she came to Malawi, because I am so excited to serve alongside her here. She is such an encouragement, And the rest of the staff team is wonderful as well – we get along great and everyone is so much fun! And for all of those peeps back home, having Laura here is wonderful as well! She is doing great and loving it here in Africa! It’s so nice to have someone here from home. I know that God is going to use her in BIG ways in Malawi!
I know that this is a long update and even as I write it, I realize that there is so much more that I wish I could tell you. There are so many stories that I want to share, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time or the internet availability to do so! But know that God is at work and doing great things here in Malawi, and is really challenging me as well, and stretching me as a leader, which I am really happy for! I am excited to grow in my leadership ability and to learn more about myself and who God created me to be. So continue to be in prayer for the team here in Malawi and the other three teams back in Tanzania. God is using 50+ students to impact and change the continent of Africa – be excited about how He is using young adults to change the world!
Although I wish I could convey everything to you, I hope this gives you a glimpse into my adventure in Africa!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


i've arrived safe in Tanzania! our flight came in on Tuesday morning and we were greeted with a wall of heat! it's as hot as i remembered last time! Everyone has a nice shine to them! It is the rainy season here, so we have been watching the rain pour down today. We have been doing prep work in anticipation of the students arriving on Friday morning, which i am really excited about! They are leaving this evening, from Toronto, so they will begin their adventure soon!
I sometimes forget that there is a 7 hour time differene, so i hope that eveyone is having a great morning as i write this in the afternoon!
I haven't came across any gross or rather large bugs yet, which is nice. although i know that soon enough i will find them!
It's great to be back in africa and to be preparing for this trip. i am really struggling this year with getting over jet lag and used to the culture, so please pray for that, that i would quickly become accustomed to being here! I need to find some physical strength and energy, to help them team get things ready!
Please continue to pray that we, as the staff team, would have wisdom in leading the students this summer. I want to be an effective leader, and be used by God, so please pray for that! i am doing a couple of seminars during orientation, so i am excited and nervous for that, as well!
The staff team has been bonding really well, so please continue to rpay for unity and health amongst us. So far we have all stayed healthy, so lets hope it stays that way!
I am running out of minutes, so that my update for now. i will try and update again as soon as i can!
blessings from Africa!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

safe and sound

i've arrvied safe and sound in london, and it's been a fabulous couple of days! I fly to Tanzania on Monday evening, and then am there for the next 6 weeks. we have had some great staff team building time here, and have been blessed by a teammates aunt, where we are staying. it's been relaxing to get away from the books and have some time to relax! I'm excited for africa though and really want to just get there. continue to pray that i would be focused and continue to focus on the vision of the project. i eagerly await the students arrival on friday and can't wait to see laura!
This mornign we attended the Hillsongs UK church and it was amazing and refreshing! greg and andrea, it made me think of you guys!
this is a short update i will try to update more once i arrive in Africa!!
Continue to be in prayer that God would change lives in Africa!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Bon Voyage!

And just a few hours before I hit the road on my adventure! It's going to be an amazing time of faith stretching, faith building and life changing experience!
Continue to be in prayer..
Pray for safe travels, both for the staff leaving today and the students leaving on Wed.
For overall health, that we would remain healthy in the next 6 weeks (and to remember to take our meds!)
For the hearts of the African students we are going to minister to, that they would be open and ready for the Canadian students
For spiritual refreshing of the Canadians, that we would get our strength from God and rely on His Holy Spirit

I can't wait to see all of you when I return in June!
Until then, BON VOYAGE!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

In less the 24 hours...

In less then 24 hours I will be on the plane on my way to London, England, and then off to Africa. WOW! I can't believe that the time is here already to leave -- it's been a whirlwind the past couple of days.
I know am just getting the last preparations for my trip together. I always find that I can not sleep on the night before I have to go somewhere. My mind is going in a million different directions as I think of a bunch of little things that I want to get done before leaving...eventually I just need to tell myself to stop, and just let things be the way they are!
My excitment and anticipation are increasing as the time draws closer to leave. I have experienced moments of doubt, as to why I am going again, but God has worked through those moments with me. I know that they have been more emotional then rational. I have had to come to understand that this year will not be the same as last year. There won't be the same people, the same jokes, but that doens't mean that it's not going to be as much fun! My mom and I had a great conversation about how my role is changing this year. Last year I had the time of my life in Africa, and created some of my most treasured memories and met some of my closest friends there. And now this year, I have the opportunity to create that same experience for the students who are going for the first time. They will be looking to me for leadership and guidance, and I want to make this experience as a great of one, as it was for me last year. And when I let that sink in, my excitment began to grow! I am excited for the leadership oppurtunity. I know that I will learn valuable skills that will benefit me in the future.
Tomorrow when I leave, I am meeting a bunch of people that I don't know. And frankly, that scares me! But at the same time, I know that God put this team together perfectly, and that we will all mesh together and build eachother up. But please be in prayer for that, that I would guard myself against loneliness and just let myself be open to new people and new friendships!
I hope that when I am gone, I will get the chance to update you. I will try and do that as often as I can...but I can't promise that it will be often!
May you all be blessed each day, and look for the little things in life that make you smile and be thankful for those!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

time flies

I'm writing to you today, as a recent graduate of the University of Western Ontario! As of Monday afternoon, I am officially graduated from university!! hard to believe! I am super thrilled to have my exams over with, the last round of exams ever! That is one aspect of university that I am not sad to leave!
I moved home yesterday, which is a big transition. I already miss my roommates! It's strange to be living out of suitcases and boxes, which will be the case most likely, until I return from Africa! But being home with my family has been great so far. I am really looking forward to spending a few quality days with them, before taking off.
My to-do list for Africa just keeps getting bigger and I just keep adding things to it, but they are all important things to get done! I've been working on the training seminar that I am doing for the students during orientation and am really looking forward to that oppurtunity to step out in leadership. It puts me in a somewhat uncomfortable spot, but that is where God is strongest -- in my weakness! But I have such an encouraging team that surrounds me, so I am so thankful for that!
I am still working on my support raising. I have $1500 to raise, to reach my goal. So please continue to be in prayer for that, that God would provide the last $1500. I know that He can, and I know that God is teaching me lessons through support raising, so I am thankful. I just need to have bigger faith, to not doubt. That was my mindset, when I commited this summer to God, that I would not doubt His ability to fund this trip. And now, with 2 days to go, I find myself having seeds of doubt planted. But I didn't come this far, to let that happen! So join with me in asking God...
When i think back to last summer and how God united our team, I look to the next coming months with great anticipation, as God forms new teams, and unites them as family. To be on the outside looking in this year, I am excited to watch students form friendships, and watch them stand in awe of how great God is. I am looking forward to meeting each student, when they arrive in Tanzania on the 4th. The look of shock on their faces, as they face the African heat for the first time, and the look of sheer excitment of what lies ahead.
may God be honoured --> this is what I want for the summer

Sunday, April 22, 2007

counting down...

Wow, just a few more days before the plane takes off! I'm getting excited to be used by God this summer. It's a crazy time of the year right now, with trying to finish off exams and pack, but I know that the end result will be amazing!
I've been working on the training seminar that I will be leading for the students in their orientation, and trying to get that finished. I will be talking on the Spirit Filled Life -- which is such an important topic!
I've been in contact with some of the guys and gals that I met last summer, and they are anticipated my arrival as well. I am so pumped to see them again and talk with them and do ministry alongside them.
I'm also able to bring a second suitcase full of items to give away (ie Bibles, clothes, medical supplies) so if this is something that interests you, let me know!
Continue to be in prayer for myself, the entire team and Africa!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" Phil 4:19.
I take the words of Paul and bury them deep -- I know that God will supply all my needs for the summer. I still need to raise 46% of my support ($3000) before I leave. God raised my support last year, and has already raised over half this year, and I know He will raise the remainder, too. So I'm asking you to pray with me, that God would supply all my needs!
Thanks for your prayers -- I couldn't do this without you...yes, you!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

12 days til departure

12 days til the plane takes off -- in my letter, I wrote that I was leaving on May 1, but the date has been changed and now it's April 27. That's really soon, and sometimes that scares me! There are still a lot of things to do before then (ie exams, pack and move!) and lots of prep for the trip, but atleast the plane ride is long and will give me some time to process and "relax".

Something that I have been thinking about lately, is what my expectations are for this summer. I am afraid of going, and having the mindset that it is going to be the same as last year, and then being disappointed. It's not going to be the same -- yes, same location and seeing some of the same people, but my team has changed, my role has changed, and holding onto to last year could be dangerous. Last year we had a fabulous team that bonded extremely well -- we were a family. And I truly desire that this year as well. That we would all be unified and get along, and become a family. I think that I am scared of loneliness as well. With not knowing very many people that I will feel alone - so please pray for that. That I would be open with people and develop some great friendships, just like last year.

It also kind of frightens me, that people will be looking to me for help. I am the only person that has been to Malawi before, so I have an understanding of what to expect and what worked what didn't, etc. I don't want to lead people on the wrong direction - or give them the wrong information. But as much as I have fears about these things, I also have excitment. For I know that God is strong where I am weak, and that through these fears, He will be glorified and will mold me more into His daughter -- and that is pretty darn cool!

A visual reminder of why I want to go back....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Relieved Accomplishment

And thus ends my undergrad -- well atleast the class part of it! I officially am done school today! What a crazy feeling! It's really anti-climatic though. But that's why God blessed me with great roomies who celebrated in my joy! It's been a strong push to end though. I just finished my last paper that I hand in, in a few hours. It ended up being 21 pages, that longest I have written. But I totally saw God's favor as I wrote it -- He kept me up late last night, til I couldn't stay up any longer! But it's crazy to realize that it's over. 4 years has gone by so quickly, and I almost don't want it to end. I have made the greatest friends in the world here at school, and this has become 'home'. Yet I know that what lies ahead of me is going to a fantastic time in my life as well. Saying goodbye to people at school is such a strange thing - I may never see some of these people again. They have been in my life for a time and a season and now it's time to move on. But the girls in my classes, that I won't see again, yet spent every Wendesday night with. Or my new friends I made in another class by doing a group project with them. Or just the familiar faces that I see on campus -- I don't really know who they are, but even amongst 30000 people, you still recognize a few in the crowd. These are the moments I am going to miss. These moments of familiarity and comfort.
I remember people telling me when I started university that these would be the best and fastest years of my life. I didn't believe them then, but I sure do now. These have honestly been the best years -- there have been many tears shed, yet just as much (if not more!) laughter! I feel truly blessed to walk away from school with the best friends, a great education, and most importantly, a deeper walk with God.
I know that this post didn't really have alot to do with Africa, but I just wanted to share with you, what I am walking through in this moment! I will post more about Africa and my thoughts, feelings, etc once I get some sleep (it's nap time)!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Ok, BIG NEWS!!!!!! I got accepted to teachers college!! WOOHOO!!! I am so excited and thrilled! This has always been my dream, to teach, so to have the first step in place to make it come true is inbelievable! :):):):) I am really really really happy! Oh, and I officially accepted Laurier's offer, so I will be moving to Waterloo. God is so good!

But God also taught me alot through the process of waiting to find out about school. The acceptances were suppose to come out on Monday, but the website did not inform us that they would be not be updating until Wednesday. Therefore on monday when I checked, I thought that I had been rejected by all schools. Let's just say that there was quite the waterworks show -- I didn't know i had that many tears in me! I just couldn't understand why God would take that away from me too.But God really spoke to me about my attitude and the reasons as to why I wanted teachers college. I realized that I had a very selfish attitude, wanting to know why God would take it away from me. How teachers college is what I really wanted. I realized that I was not letting God control the academic part of my life. That I was comfortable making my own plans and doing what I could to fulfill those plans. God gave my a big wake up call, when I thought I wasn't accepted and I realized how dependence I had become on myself and how I had pushed God to the back. Wow, I needed that wake up call and I am thankful that God taught me those lessons. Because I turned back to God and confessed my selfishness, and then God provided the acceptence letter for me. I am so thankful for God's provision, and for leading my future.

God is so faithful to His children and I am learning that over and over and over and over again. As my undergrad comes to an end in a few short weeks, there are so many thoughts that run through my head. As I reflect on all that God has taught me, shown me and brought me through, I am humbled and brought to my knees. There is no way that I could have survived without His hand guiding me and protecting me. I am so thankful. It does make me sad to leave and to leave behind friends and move on, but there is also an excitment that flows within, when I think of the new adventures that God has waiting for me.

I am also getting more and more excited about Africa!! I leave in 22, that's not that far away!! But I know that God has great things planned, both for the Canadians and the Africans! So please continue to be in prayer still -- I need it! As exams approach and time fels a little short, I know that I will need your prayers to keep focused. Please keep praying for my support as well. I know that God is my great provider, and I trust in Him that He will provide, but I ask for your prayers, that before I leave, I will see all my funds come in!

I am heading home for Easter in about an hour...I can't wait to see some of you at home!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

C4C Grads -- isn't God awesome!! This isn't even all of us! To think that each one of us, is going out into the world as shining lights....

Psalm 62:8

Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Hey All!
Wow, it's been a whirlwind the last few days! But that's life I suppose, and we just hold on and enjoy every step!
Can I just say, that it is gorgeous outside! Today started out really gross, raining (a students nightmare!) and now it's sun-shiny and warm! Hooray!
So Friday night was the last weekly meeting for Campus for Christ. It's hard to believe that it's over for me...4 years of weekly meetings, done! Crazy! But it was alot of fun, like every Friday night is! There is a large group of graduates this year, but it's amazing to look back and see how God has changed each one of us over the past 4 years. Honestly, if it wasn't for Campus for Christ, my walk with God would not have grown as much as it has. My faith has been stretched, tried and proven true over the past 4 years. It's tough to say goodbye to those who have surrounded me each day, but exciting to see where God is taking each of us! (I will try and post a pic of the grads!)
Ben (one of the staff) also preached a good live life with a big stick! To live with integrity in all we do. It's so easy for students when we go home for the summer, to 'fall' back into old ways, doing things with we wouldn't normally do with our C4C friends. So he challenged us to not have a 'Christian stick' that was so small we could easily hide from people, but to live life with a big stick, so people notice that we are different. It was a really challenging message to take home for the summer -- thanks Ben!
I also spur of the moment came home this weekend, and it was great to get home. It's nice to have a 'refuge' for when things get crazy here at school. I was thankful to be able to come home to mom and dad, and to just get away from the craziness that was surrounding me in London. It was wonderful to be able to see many of you at church on Sunday as well. I love my church family! The most encouraging group of people always make coming home that much more exciting! Just the hugs and smiles, make me smile! So it was great to see you all!
Ok, time for me to sign off...please continue to pray for this summer, and espeically for my support.
But like the title says "trust" -- that's exactly what I am doing. Trusting God, because He knows way better then I do!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

when life gives you lemons...

make lemonade. Sometimes I feel like that saying is easier said then actually applied to life! Life has thrown me some curveballs the last couple of days, that have really thrown me off. I've lost my focus several times, and have found it hard to concentrate on school and on prep for the summer. I know that God is in control, and that He won't give me more then I can handle, but at this moment, it feels like more then I can handle.
It's just an emotional rollarcoaster, as I gear up to finish school, move out of my house, and say goodbye to my friends of the last 4 years. Wow! It's going to be a fast rush of events, as I leave for Africa only a few days after moving out.
Thanks for all of your support, and your prayers! And thanks for checking this site...and please leave comments, I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I just got the word, that I am officially going back to Malawi this summer! This excites me! Last summer, I spent the majority of the time in Malawi, working with fellow Christians at Chancellor College. So I am pumped that I get to return, to see familiar faces and to help the ministry at Chanco again. What a privelege to be able to go back, to see friends again and to encourage them again. God is so good!
Please continue to pray, that God would prepare me for this summer. Sometimes I find it hard to really set aside the time to prepare my heart amongst all the school work and demands of school. But I know that there is nothing more important then to take the time to spend with God each day. So please pray that I would not lose that perspective!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

God is faithful

I'm really not good at keep this updated, so my apologies if you have been checking this, and nothing new has appeared!
God has brought me though a rather stressful last week and a bit. Phew, I'm glad it's over! But God is so good through it all, giving me the energy I needed when I clearly wasn't working on a good amount of sleep! :)
Things are getting into full swing, for this summer. And I'm loving it! I'm still working on my support raising, and am still trusting God to provide. I will not doubt His ability to provide.
I am also working with 4 other 1 and 2 year girls who are going to be a part of the team this summer and have been support coaching them, helping them to get things ready, answering their questions and encouraging them in their suppor raising. It's been stretching (already!) but I have loved getting to know girls. I had the chance to meet a couple of them last week, when I visited McMaster, so that was really cool!
Just a few cool stories that I want to share...
A girl in my English class, Pam, who I have gotten to know better over the year, was asking about my summer. So I was telling her how i was doing missions work in Africa, and we got into a good (but quick, as class started) conversation about what I will be doing. I hope that we can talk more about it!
Also, when i went today to get my immunmizations, both of the nurses that I met with, were Christians. So it was encouraging to be able to talk to them and share with them what I will be doing this summer. And the one nurse was talking about how she wished that she would have done missions when she was a young adult and was talking about doing Doctors without Borders. God just brings the coolest people in our paths, and that is exciting!
When we let ourselves be in tune with God, we can see so many blessings that He provides to us...but we need to slow down and "see" them.
I covet your prayers, as God continues to prepare for Africa!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

more information

So I realized that perhaps I didn't explain properly the role that I am was accepted for this summer. So I am going to try and explain it, so that it makes sense to everyone!
Being a student intern on project, means that I will be involved more with the leadership of the project, leading training sessions and helping to organize the training, debrief and leading a team on the university campuses. This is why I will be leaving earlier then the students (who leave on May 2) so that I will arrive in Tanzania with the other staff members and get things prepared for the students. And this allows the staff to get over jet lag, so that we can be as helpful as we can for the students when they arrive.
I am really excited for this oppurtunity to be involved in leadership, as it will greatly increase my leadership skills. And that excites me!
Ther ason that I need to raise more money this year, is that I am officially a staff member of Campus Crusade for the summer, and this is my summer job. I am raising funds, that will be provide me with a salary, just like the other staff members of Campus for Christ.
If you have any questions, or need further explaination, please either leave a comment or send me an email (
Thanks for reading this and joining me on this crazy adventure!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Getting things done

While I am at home for reading week, I set the goal for myself of getting my support letter done. And I did get it written, now I just have to get everything printed and sent off. Support raising scares me, it really does. But since the very beginning, I told God that I wasn't going to doubt His ability to provide, after all, He does own all the banks in the world! It truly has been a test of my faith, and my faith has grown so much through trusting God!
So, I refuse to be stressed or overwhelmed by the task that lies ahead, but am determined to trust my Provider.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Going back!!

It's official!! I'm returing to Africa summer 2007!! I got my acceptance yesterday and I am really excited to be returning! I had a conference call last night with the rest of the staff team, and that just increased my excitment and passion to go back!