Monday, March 26, 2007


Hey All!
Wow, it's been a whirlwind the last few days! But that's life I suppose, and we just hold on and enjoy every step!
Can I just say, that it is gorgeous outside! Today started out really gross, raining (a students nightmare!) and now it's sun-shiny and warm! Hooray!
So Friday night was the last weekly meeting for Campus for Christ. It's hard to believe that it's over for me...4 years of weekly meetings, done! Crazy! But it was alot of fun, like every Friday night is! There is a large group of graduates this year, but it's amazing to look back and see how God has changed each one of us over the past 4 years. Honestly, if it wasn't for Campus for Christ, my walk with God would not have grown as much as it has. My faith has been stretched, tried and proven true over the past 4 years. It's tough to say goodbye to those who have surrounded me each day, but exciting to see where God is taking each of us! (I will try and post a pic of the grads!)
Ben (one of the staff) also preached a good live life with a big stick! To live with integrity in all we do. It's so easy for students when we go home for the summer, to 'fall' back into old ways, doing things with we wouldn't normally do with our C4C friends. So he challenged us to not have a 'Christian stick' that was so small we could easily hide from people, but to live life with a big stick, so people notice that we are different. It was a really challenging message to take home for the summer -- thanks Ben!
I also spur of the moment came home this weekend, and it was great to get home. It's nice to have a 'refuge' for when things get crazy here at school. I was thankful to be able to come home to mom and dad, and to just get away from the craziness that was surrounding me in London. It was wonderful to be able to see many of you at church on Sunday as well. I love my church family! The most encouraging group of people always make coming home that much more exciting! Just the hugs and smiles, make me smile! So it was great to see you all!
Ok, time for me to sign off...please continue to pray for this summer, and espeically for my support.
But like the title says "trust" -- that's exactly what I am doing. Trusting God, because He knows way better then I do!

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