Sunday, May 20, 2007

I love Africa!

Hey Everyone!
Just a quick update for ya'll, because the computers here are a little wonky! But I just wanted to let you all know that things are great! I am having a great time and God is really changing me and molding me and refining me, which has been hard at times but a blessing too! I am thankful!
Yesterday we held two outreaches...the boys did a soccer outreach and the girls did a ladies outreach talking about purity...both physical and emotional purity and it was fabulous. we had around 100 girls come out, which is great, it's such an important topic and one that is avoided alot here in africa, so it was great to be honest with the African students about our own struggles with purity, and get them to open up about their struggles. God really used that night and it made me so proud of the girls on my time. They really put their heart into this outreach and God rewarded them for that! It was a great time! When I have more time I will update on it more, because there is so much to say about it!
I have really really loved having Laura on my team...being able to spend time with her in ministry has been such a blessing. She is a great woman of God, and it has been great to see God use her in great ways here in for all of those NOrwoodians reading this, we are both doing great and are in great health and having a great time!
We leave Malawi on Sunday, only one more week to go, which is crazy! The time has flown by! but it has been fabulous. Everytime I see my friends that I met last year, and huge smile appears on my face...I really love these people and it's going to be really hard to leave them this year, because I really don't know when I will be back again! But they are graet!
Please continue to pray for us, that in this last week, we would keep focused and get our strength from the Lord because we can not do this on our own. Thats for sure! but God is truly using this team of Canadians to help reach Africa and to help Africans reach Africa to reach the world! I love Him! :)
I hope that things are going great with everyone, wherever God has you! Know that I miss you all so much and not being able to communicate effectively has been really really tough for me this year. I really do wish that I could talk to you and email you more often, so know that you are all thought of often and missed all the time!
This week our focus is on building disicpleship groups which is a tough job here at Chanco, so please be in prayer that God would orchestrate that perfectly! This week, the interns are taking charge and have been given full leadership for mon-wed which both scares me and excites me! I have alot of responsibilty, but am looking forward to the challenge of stepping up in leadership. this entire trip has really stretched me and taught me so much about leadership, which has been amazing!
I really wish that I could email you all individually, because I have so much to say to you all...but that might have to wait til I return to Canada!
As always, I feel overwhelmed by what I want to tell you and relay to you, but I guess just trust me that thigns are going great and that God is at work in malawi!
Brooke the girl on the team who was sick is doing much better, thanks for praying! She got some meds and took a fun trip the hospital, but is now back on cmapus with us! Praise the Lord!
Ok, enough rambling, time to head back to our lodge and get some good rest on the great Sabbath day!
Much love to you all....MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Hey Amanda,
I thought that it was about time that somebody commented on your blog. =) I'm trilled to see how God is using you in Malawi and the ripples that are going to go around the world because of the effects made on lives there.
I understand that it will be hard leaving those girls that you have come to love like daughters, but I know that the Lord has great things in store. And even if you never see them on earth, you will in heaven and the stories that abound will be tremendous.

I am praying for you, especially your leadership roles this week. I know that you are going to do an amazing job! God has worked and will continue to work through you.

I miss you tremendously. *BIG Colleen type HUG*