Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back in Canada

And I'm home. WOW! I can't believe that I am home. 7 weeks went by incredibly fast. When I was on the plane flying home, it honestly felt like I was only gone a week, not 7. It blows my mind when I start to think of all that went on in the past weeks -- it's hard to fully comprehend.

I definitly learned SO much in Africa, and it changed my life, for the better. I feel like I know God more and love Him more now, then I did when I left, which is what I wanted to be able to say. God revealed Himself to me in ways that I needed Him too, and showed me many things about who He created me to be. He ignited a passion and desire to serve Him, and as I adjust to Canadain culture again, I'm praying that I don't lose that passion and desire.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to sincerly thank each one of you for all your support for this trip. God uses each one of us to reach the lost, and I love how He puts people together on a team, to accomplish this. Thanks for your prayers, which were heard. There were many times when I knew God was working through your prayers. I feel blessed to have such a great support team behind me, I love you all so much. I pray that God would continue to use you, to help reach the world with the love of Christ. So many have not yet heard --

As I continue to process and think through all that has happened, I will post stories here. So please keep checking --

God always amazes me, and going back to Africa was no different. To witness God's greatness, faithfulness, love, mercy and grace first hand always puts me in a place where I stand in awe. And it's with this awe-ness(if thats not a word, I feel like it should be!) that I desire to live me life; to always be amazed by Him.

It's still my goal to continue living out Hebrews 12:1-2, throwing off all that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and focusing my eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone. To run the race with eyes only for Him. To keep the finsih line in sight, and run hard with no looking back.

May God bless you and use you for His glory!

1 comment:

jebencic said...

Hey Amanda! It was great as always to see your "smilin" face and Laura too. You are an encouragement to those who think they will never make an impact for Christ in this world and to some others of us who think they have missed their opportunity. Like Sam says "It's Go Time!". That means all of us. Thanks for going to Africa especially Milawi, where there lives a little girl who touches my heart through World Vision! We can all "go" by different means.
It is wonderful to have you both back safe, sound, and deeper with Jesus.
Love always,