Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hello from Zanzibar - home in one week!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I'm sure that you all understand!
THings are going great here in Africa...I am now in Zanzibar, on the Adventure Cylce of the project, showing the Jesus Film with the rest of the staff team and it's been so much fun! Zanzibar is a predominantly Muslim island (97%), so I have loved being able to share the love of God with the people here. It truely is an amazing island and I praise God for the creation of His people and this landscape. It makes me stand in awe, thats for sure! We are showing the film one last time tonight and then heading back to Dar on Friday. From there we will do a few days of debrief, and then jump on the plane for Canada. So in a week today, I will be back in Canada, which is hard to believe! I can't believe that 6 weeks is gone by already and that Canada is fast's almost kind of scary to go back home!
God has been doing great things in Africa, so be excited about what God is doing around the world. The thing that makes me the most exicted, I think, is that fact that every night this week, in 8 locations around Tanzania, the Jesus Film is being shown. Hundreds and hundreds of people are hearing the Gospel each night....Tanzania could be changed through this! Isn't that exciting?!! So be in prayer that through this film, God would change lives and change Africa!
I hope that this is able to post, because I want to let you all know that I am good, and even more so, GOD IS GOOD!
And please, leave encourages me! :)


audrey said...

Hey Sweetheart!!!
I sure can't believe that you will be home in a week. The time sure has went fast. Glad that you are enjoying yourself and you are doing so many good things there, I am so glad that you are part of it in Africa. I am so proud of you Sweetheart. Keep smiling, and keep doing what you are doing. Our prayers are with you. Come home safely and healthy. Love Mom

hungryroamer said...

It's so encouraging to read your updates!
I can't believe you're in Zanzibar!! I'm SO JEALOUS!!

can't wait to hear all the stories!

...alicia... said...

Hey Amanda,

Ive been reading your blogs while you have been gone but just havnt had the time to respond yet. Now that you are home in three days I finally have the time. Its so amazing that you have had the opportunity to meet and interact with so many people not only one year but two. I am sure that you must provide them with a reinforced sense of happiness, love and faith in their lives. Such a unique experience must put life into a whole new perspective. I can't wait to see you when you get home and listen to all the wonderful things that you have become a part of. Safe trip home!!